Any Democrat Who Supports Hillary Clinton is a Fraud
Bob Murphy tweeted out a video today that got me thinking. It's a video of Hillary Clinton on the floor of the Senate justifying her support for regime change in Iraq in 2002.
Now you can make the argument that Hillary was misled with false and faulty intelligence from the Bush administration, but, as I've argued elsewhere, Hillary Clinton is a true believer in regime change so there's no reason to accept her change of heart on the Iraq War as anything other than a political calculation.
The idea that any Democrat could support Hillary Clinton at all after her Iraq War vote is completely beyond the pale, but especially after Clinton called her policy of regime change in Libya "smart power" at the first Democratic debate last month. The civil war and tribal genocide that followed the removal of Maummar Gaddafi is the same result that we saw in Iraq after Saddam Hussein was removed from power. That it was done in such a way to limit the loss of American lives in one case and not the other is irrelevant to the fact that it caused destruction, upheaval, and chaos for the people of that country. Hillary Clinton has no moral qualms about this, and wants to do the exact same thing in Syria despite the fact that this would further empower ISIS in the region.
If regime change in Iraq was a terrible decision due to the consequences, then regime change in Libya has been, and in Syria would be, a terrible decision, and yet Democrats are not holding Hillary to account for these policies. The fact that Hillary Clinton is going to sail into the Democratic nomination, barring some completely unforeseen turn of events, proves once and for all that most Democrats were nothing more than political hacks who were anti-Bush rather than anti-Iraq War.