Vice President Kamala Harris sat down for her first, and probably only, contentious interview of the campaign cycle with Bret Baier of Fox News, and, as Walter Kirn put it on America This Week, tried to filibuster every question.
The vice president acted as if having to answer any question that wasn’t completely deferential to her was a serious affront, and that she should certainly not have to answer to anybody for any position she’s ever taken or anything that the Biden-Harris regime has done during her time in office. And how dare any of us expect otherwise?
We are still in the beta episodes here at Never Say Nothing, so I am still looking for feedback of any nature. For this episode I noticed that when I save the file so that I can upload it here to Substack, it’s saving at a much higher volume than the “mix” is playing at within GarageBand, which is the app I’ve been using to record the podcasts. I’m not sure why that is, and I’m planning to record the next episode in Audacity to see if I have more success with that. So if this episode sounds loud, as I think all of the episodes have so far, then just know that I am aware of the issue and am going to try to resolve it. Thanks for listening.
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