Donald Trump vs. the World
After Donald Trump decided to make some frankly gross comments about Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly after he felt she treated him unfairly in Thursday night's debate, the GOP establishment turned firmly against him even more than it already had. Erick Erickson, editor of conservative site Red State, revoked Trump's invitation to a GOP conference being hosted by the site for Trump's sexist comments. Of course, as many have already pointed out, Erickson has a bit of a problem with spouting sexist nonsense against women himself, but I digress.
Since this has happened I've been seeing otherwise good people saying things like, "Oh, the evil GOP establishment has started attacking Trump, so even though I don't like his policies I'm going to defend him against them." Justin Raimondo, for example tweeted this:

Now I'm not saying Justin, or anybody else, is doing anything wrong in defending Trump against these obviously terrible people, but my position is simply why bother? The enemy of my enemy is still my enemy in this case. Donald Trump is just as horrifying as Erickson, or perhaps more so, so why would I care to defend him? The case can be made that Trump is exposing their hypocrisy and making them look like fools, to which I say wonderful. However, it's also wonderful that they're attacking him and making him look like a fool.
Put simply, I see no reason for me to bother throwing my hat in the ring when Donald Trump and the GOP establishment are doing a fine job destroying one another without my help. I say we all just sit back and enjoy the show.