Hillary savages Bernie
So much for gratitude.
Hillary Clinton is now joining in the open attempt at destroying Bernie Sanders's campaign for president by the corporate media and Democratic establishment, stating, “Nobody likes him, nobody wants to work with him, he got nothing done. He was a career politician. It’s all just baloney and I feel so bad that people got sucked into it.” She also declined to say whether she would endorse him and campaign for him if he were to win the Democratic nomination.
According to Sanders, he did "39 rallies for Clinton in 13 states over the final three months of the 2016 general election." We can quibble over the exact numbers, Bernie hardly being an unbiased source on the matter, but it is indisputable that Bernie did a lot of rallies and campaign events during the 2016 general election for Hillary Clinton.
From a New Yorker piece highlighting Bernie's role in supporting Hillary:
Since conceding defeat in the primaries, Sanders has been one of the real champions of this campaign. He let his supporters yell at him and deride him as a sellout in bleak delegate breakfasts at the Democratic National Convention, in Philadelphia, as he endorsed Clinton and explained why they needed to do the same. He made getting support for her his priority, putting aside any subtle, undermining gestures that might have better preserved his rebel-rock-star status. He has kept doing so despite other revelations in the Podesta e-mails, ones that are not about him personally but about issues that he believes in—for example, about money in politics, as exemplified by the Clinton team’s nurturing of donors. And he has earned the right to negotiate hard on such issues in the future.
In July 2016 I wrote about Bernie selling out to the Clinton campaign and the Democratic establishment:
What has Sanders’s revolution amounted to? A few pointless planks in the Democratic Party platform that was forgotten five minutes after it was officially adopted. All that time, energy, and money poured into his campaign only to be relegated to an endorsement of a beloved figure of Wall Street, neoconservatives, and the military industrial complex...
It’s the ideas that are important, not whether a Republican or Democrat wins an election. Bernie knows this, but he was never actually interested in ideas. Bernie was out for Bernie. By endorsing Clinton and allowing his ideas and supporters to be swallowed up and forgotten by the Democratic machine Sanders exposed himself as the worst sort of opportunistic fraud, but many of his supporters will never even realize that they’ve been sold out.
So it has to be asked again, what did Bernie get for all his work on behalf of the Democratic Party and the Clinton campaign in 2016? Did it earn him any goodwill toward his future endeavors? Obviously not.
Bernie Sanders became one of the fall guys for Hillary's failure to defeat Donald Trump in 2016, and she will never forgive him for daring to stand against her in the Democratic primary. Now she's part of the concerted effort to destroy Bernie's 2020 campaign and brazenly stabbing him in the front rather than making subtle remarks that he harmed her campaign in 2016, didn't do enough on her behalf, or letting her surrogates and allies declare him to be a Russian asset.
So for all his work and the sacrifice of his principles and supporters in 2016, Bernie gets worse treatment from the same people who cheated him out of the nomination in 2016. And yet he's still refusing to take the kid gloves off against Elizabeth Warren, who conspired with CNN to setup a hit against him for some alleged misogynistic comments he made in 2018 that conveniently came up the moment he started leading in the polls in Iowa right before the caucuses, and even against Joe Biden.
It's time for Bernie to grow a spine and start going after the people who will do or say anything to keep him from winning the Democratic primary while shamelessly exploiting him and his supporters for their own ends. He will never curry favor with these people or be able to do enough to justify himself to them, so it's time to start nuking them the way they've been nuking him for five years. Doing so will only energize his already considerable base of support while showing voters on the fence that he can be a fighter, something Democrats and independents want to see against Trump in the general election.