Republicans Should Support Hunter Biden's Right to Keep and Bear Arms
The law that Hunter Biden broke is unconstitutional

Conservatives, especially those supporting the candidacy of Donald Trump, are celebrating the fact that President Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, was convicted on federal gun charges for buying a gun in 2018 while addicted to drugs, but if they actually supported the Second Amendment, as most of them claim to do, then they would have to conclude that the law that Hunter Biden broke is unconstitutional.
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
The response to this might be that yes, we support the Second Amendment, but we still support “reasonable” restrictions to gun-ownership, and maybe not allowing drug addicts to purchase firearms is reasonable in some cosmically objective sense. That is, however, the same argument that Democrats make when they seek to restrict gun-ownership, and it is not constitutional regardless of how “reasonable” it might be. The Second Amendment does not say “… shall not be infringed, unless you abuse drugs.” It says, “shall not be infringed,” period. Therefore, any federal law that makes it illegal for drug addicts to purchase firearms is a violation of the Second Amendment, and if you don’t like that fact then your only option should be to amend the Constitution not to ignore it.
Republicans happy about this conviction are doing exactly what Democrats are doing with Donald Trump’s recent conviction: Destroying the rule of law because they perceive that it benefits them politically in the moment. In the long-term, Republicans who claim to support gun-ownership and the Second Amendment are only helping Democrats who want to restrict gun-ownership by supporting the conviction of Hunter Biden for this charge. Hunter Biden, addicted to drugs or not, has the same right as any other American to keep and bear arms under the U.S. Constitution, and Republicans who can’t say that are frauds.