If you were to find yourself being arrested, or even temporarily detained, by police officers for any reason whatsoever, do you imagine that you would not be handcuffed, or that you would be escorted to a comfortable, shaded area where you can joke around with your friends and have a friendly photo-op with the cops arresting you? If you were actually arrested, do you imagine that you would not go to jail or face a judge in some capacity?
If the answer is no, and it is, then what are you supposed to make of Congressional Democrats pretending to get arrested while protesting the Supreme Court recently overturning Roe v. Wade?

These politicians were not arrested, they didn’t “put their bodies on the line:” They were at a photo-shoot for propaganda purposes.
It’s not straight white men who have privilege. It’s not black people, women, gay people, or trans people either. It’s the State and its agents who have privilege. If you or I blocked traffic in the Imperial Swamp of Washington, D.C. we wouldn’t have to pretend to be handcuffed for the photographers, and the only shade we would be granted would be when we were placed in a police car on our way to spend the rest of the day and night in a jail cell.
Propaganda like this is meant to keep ordinary Americans busy fighting each other so that the State can continue to live off of us like the parasites that they are. Never make the mistake of thinking these people are on your side.