Stimulate the economy: Give us back our income tax money from 2019
President Trump and Secretary of the Treasury Steven Mnuchin have announced that they intend to take the advice of people like former Democratic Party presidential candidate Andrew Yang, Representative Tulsi Gabbard, and Senator Mitt Romney among others and send a check to Americans to help stimulate the economy.
According to Mnuchin, adults will receive $1000 and children will receive $500. This is terrible economics, to say the least, but I'm not opposed to anyone getting any chunk of their tax money back in whatever way they can.
A better long-term approach to helping the U.S. economy, however, would be to simply abolish the income tax going forward and to give every American a full refund on the income taxes that they paid in 2019.

Between federal, FICA, state, and city income taxes I paid several thousand dollars in income taxes in 2019, and don't expect to get any significant portion of that money back on my tax return. Getting all of my money back in a refund, however, would have a significant impact on my life and drastically improve my situation in this crisis. Being able to keep all of the money that I earn going forward would also be a significant boost to my standard of living, as it would for everyone who works in America.
This would be a huge, sustainable stimulus to the economy going forward, and put more money in the private sector where real wealth is actually created as opposed to the government where wealth is destroyed. They've already delayed the deadline to pay taxes by 90 days, so they should take the much smarter step of just giving us our money back.