Why the GOP Hates Donald Trump
Mitt Romney, the quintessential establishmentarian, made it clear that the official position of the GOP elite is for a contested convention to rob Donald Trump of the Republican nomination at the Cleveland convention, despite his having more delegates than either of the other two candidates still running. Ironically, this would require the rule that was put into place by Romney's campaign in 2012, that only candidates who carried a majority of the delegates in eight states would have their delegates counted at the convention, purposefully making it so that delegates for Congressman Ron Paul would not be counted, be repealed.
We can all rest assured that there is no ideological objection to Donald Trump from the Republican establishment, merely a personal objection to the character that is Donald Trump. Simply put, Donald Trump's nomination would prove that the Republican Party and American elections generally are nothing more than a sham.
The story that the political establishment want us all to believe is that while in the course of a campaign candidates may do whatever they need to do to get elected, they are in point of fact statesmen merely having a vigorous exchange of ideas for the betterment of the nation. The problem with Trump is that he has no interest whatsoever in peddling this fiction. Donald Trump wants to be president for his ego and for the sake of exercising nearly unlimited power.
This is true of all candidates, but Donald Trump does away with the fairy tale and shines a light on the reality of the situation. Trump's nomination, let alone his election, would delegitimize the entire system because people would see once and for all what democracy in America is really about. This is why the Republicans are doing everything they can to deny him the nomination, even up to the point of tanking the 2016 election.
It's not as important to the Republican Party to win the presidency in 2016 as it is to keep the status quo going. After all, trading off power with the Democrats has made them all extremely rich and influential. If Trump were nominated people might start to question exactly how this could have happened in the first place and realize that their entire political system is made up of nothing but sociopaths like Trump, even if the rest of them aren't quite so brazen as Trump himself.
So the GOP is willing to steal the nomination from Trump at the Republican National Convention, thus guaranteeing that a large percentage of Trump supporters will refuse to support the Republican nominee in November, and hand the general election to Hillary Clinton and the Democrats. Barring that, we've seen prominent neoconservatives openly acknowledge their preference for Hillary over Trump.
The truth is that from Hillary Clinton to Ted Cruz, the candidates running for president are doing so because they want to wield power over all of our lives. The only problem the establishment has with Donald Trump is that he doesn't bother to hide it. That's why he must be destroyed.